Burt Ward is known for his nickname “Sparky” because every time he does his skating routines in high school, his shoes spark whenever it hits the floor. He is a passionate reader of comic books, and he wanted to become a superhero. At 17, he tried to audition for Robin’s role in Batman and immediately got the part. Burt once portrayed the Boy Wonder in the 1960s Batman series, which served as one of his career’s main highlights. He also voiced Robin for the animated series The New Adventures of Batman, The Legends of the Superhero, and the latest Batman animated films in 2016 and 2017.

Ward suffered through his past relationships, hiring three divorce lawyers over 20 years. His first divorce proceeding was in 1967, the second in 1969, and the latest in 1989. His current relationship with his wife Tracy Posner is quite strong, and they haven’t hinted at slowing down anytime soon.
